Denver Bans Concealed Carry Guns

The Denver City Council passed a law prohibiting concealed firearms in city-owned or leased facilities and parks on Monday night. Denver ordinance passed by a 9-3 vote. Monday night. Mountain parks and other sites are included in this regulation, which imposes a non-criminal offence. The fine for violating this statute is up to $999. The city will not enforce the law until it has posted signs at public entrances informing visitors that firearms are prohibited.

The Denver city government has declared that it will not enforce the law until signs are put up at public entrances of parks and buildings, warning people that carrying firearms is not allowed. “We believe residents and visitors of Denver have an expectation that when visiting a Denver park with friends, family, and children anywhere in our system, each park is a gun-free zone. The same is true for city buildings,” said City Attorney Kristin Bronson in a press release. “This bill is not intended to assess the character of concealed carry permit holders. It is commonsense legislation designed to increase the level of safety in city facilities.

Certain buildings or areas had previously been banned from concealed carry, but a state law restricted some areas from the ban. Last year, a bill passed at the state Capitol allowed local governments to reissue such bans.

The following people are exempt from the concealed carry ban:

  • Law enforcement officers and military personnel.
  • Security guards with a valid Denver license containing a firearm endorsement.
  • Persons carrying the firearm for use in a legitimate sporting activity, such as events during the National Western Stock Show within National Western Center buildings.
  • Persons with valid authorization while at DPD and DSD shooting ranges.
  • Persons carrying a firearm while traveling within a private automobile or other private means of conveyance for the purposes of hunting or lawful protection of the person or their property, or another person or that person’s property (weapons other than pistols or revolvers must be unloaded during the transport).

Damage Factory offers a Colorado Concealed Weapon permit class starting from $1.00. Schedule your class now!

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