In 2024, Colorado passed several gun laws that will take effect in 2025, including laws about Safe Storage of Guns in Vehicles, Gun Dealer Permits, Concealed Carry Permits and High Cap Magazine Enforcement:

Senate Bill 3
The CBI, a branch of the Department of Public Safety, is responsible for providing forensic and laboratory services, as well as conducting criminal investigations at the request of local and state law enforcement agencies. Senate Bill 3 comes with a significant financial implication during a fiscal year when lawmakers have been informed of limited additional funds available for new initiatives. As revised by the Senate Appropriations Committee, the bill mandates the hiring of 10 additional full-time employees at the CBI, along with an allocation of approximately $1.5 million in the budget for 2024-25. Furthermore, CBI may enforce the ban on selling detachable magazines that hold more than 15 rounds of ammunition starting August 2024.
House Bill 1348
Starting in 2025, guns must be kept in a locked, hard-sided container, out of view, in a vehicle, such as in a glove box or center console. The vehicle must also be locked. Violators may face a fine, but there are exceptions for people who work in law enforcement, the military, or on farms and ranches. Gun dealers must also post a sign notifying customers of the new law. 
House Bill 1349

In November, voters in Colorado will have the opportunity to express their opinions on a proposed excise tax on the sales of firearms and ammunition. The revenue generated from this tax is intended to be allocated to support services for victims and mental health initiatives. Should the proposal receive approval, it is set to take effect in April of the following year. If the new tax is approved, CO residents will face up to 17.7% sales tax to exercise their rights to defend themselves. 

House Bill 1174

Starting in 2025, concealed carry permit training classes must offer at least eight hours of instruction, including a live-fire test where participants shoot at least 50 rounds. Participants must also pass a written exam to get a concealed carry permit.

House Bill 1353

Starting July 1, 2025, firearms dealers must obtain a state permit that costs $400. They must also comply with other requirements, including: 

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