In 2024, Colorado passed several gun laws that will take effect in 2025, including laws about Safe Storage of Guns in Vehicles, Gun…

In 2024, Colorado passed several gun laws that will take effect in 2025, including laws about Safe Storage of Guns in Vehicles, Gun…
COLORADO 2025 Concealed Handgun Permit Certificate compliance… Applicant must successfully complete an initial concealed handgun training course, a student is required to obtain a passing score on both a written competency exam and a live-fire exercise.
Colorado Anti Freedom Bills are having significant impact on the local sale of firearms and accessories. When stricter gun control measures are being considered, many concerned citizens may feel compelled to purchase firearms before potential changes take effect.
The Colorado “Assault Weapon” Ban is advancing to the CO Senate. Please Contact Your Local Representative, and Voice Your Opposition to this Nonsense.
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) on Friday signed legislation banning the manufacture and sale of “ghost guns” — privately manufactured or assembled firearms.…
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is poised to add millions of gun owners to The NFA Registry. The Bureau of…
The 9th Circuit must reconsider the case in light of the recent high court decision on High Capacity Magazine Ban. The U.S. Supreme…
The Denver City Council passed a law prohibiting concealed firearms in city-owned or leased facilities and parks on Monday night. Denver ordinance passed…